DIY Mud Mask For Acne Prone and Oily Skin

By Aniela / May 5, 2017

We've stumbled upon one of the most delicious, hard working mud masks you'll ever use! This DIY mud mask for acne prone and oily skin will leave your skin feeling like a baby's bottom, get rid of acne and oily skin, and smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. In fact, this DIY mud mask is SO delicious you can eat it too! So maybe while you're laying back enjoying the benefits of this mud mask, you can whip up a serving for yourself as well!

DIY Mud Mask

mud mask

You'll Need:

  • 2-3 tbsp Greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp buttermilk
  • 1/2 mashed banana
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp lemon juice


  1. In a medium bowl, mash the banana.
  2. Then, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well until combined.
  3. Apply all over face and neck and leave on for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off.

Why The DIY Mud Mask Works:

mashed banana

  • Greek yogurt works to deeply cleanse the skin and also helps with oily skin.
  • Buttermilk deeply hydrates and helps with fine lines and wrinkles.
  • The banana exfoliates, hydrates, and fends off acne.
  • Honey is a natural anti-bacterial and cleanses and moisturizes.
  • Lemon juice is a natural bleach which will get rid of acne scars and dark spots.
  • The cocoa powder is mostly there for a rich cocoa scent and color 🙂

Use this mask twice a week for healthy, beautiful skin.

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DIY Mud Mask

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