Slim Your Legs, Tummy & Arms Without the Exercise

By Aniela / March 24, 2009

Today we'll show you how to slim your legs, tummy, & arms without the exercise! Exercise isn't the only thing you have to do to get a great figure. Of course, you should always keep up with a regular exercise routine, at least for health's sake, but there are a few fashion tricks you can pull off to make your legs appear taller and slimmer, your tummy flatter and your arms more toned.

Slim Your Legs, Tummy & Arms Without the Exercise

1. Body Shapers

No mistery here…body shapers will obviously shape your body to look slimmer and more toned. The best brand out there is SPANX and although they cost a little more (about $100), they do the job like nothing else. Even celebs wear SPANX to tuck in their tummies.

2. Lengthen Your Legs

If you're on the short side and want to add a little height, there is nothing better than pairing wide-leg pants with a pair of heels. Just make sure you pick a pair of pants that doesn't accentuate your waist.

3. Fake a Small Waist

If you're looking to shrink your waist, or at least look like you have a smaller waist, just wear a belt right above your hips when wearing longer tops and dresses. This will give the illusion of a smaller waist since the belt cinches it at the right spot.

4. Slim Your Legs

Putting on a pair of black tights or any dark colored tights for that matter will draw the attention away from your legs, as to make them look a lot slimmer. Pair them with boots and a skirt/dress.

5. Hide Your Tummy Bulge

Banded Waist Top

This season you're in luck because a lot of the tops in stores are the kind that will be banded at the waist which will hide your bulge and make it look like you have absolutely nothing! Pair it up with  high-waisted pants.

6. Fake Slim Calves

If you've been out of the gym for a while, your calves might look a little out of shape. Thankfully, you can fake slim calves by slipping on a pair of heels. You don't have to wear super high heels to achieve this – pretty much any heel will do!

8. SlimYour Arms

Slim Your Arms

Believe it or not, arm shapers exist! This quarter-sleeve arm shaper will fit smoothly and discretely under your clothes to give your arms a slim, polished look. Get it at for only $26.95.

9. Slim Upper Body

If you're worried about a larger upper body or broad shoulders, a scarf or a shawl can help you minimize your problem area. Just wrap it around your neck whichever way you like and opt for lighter fabrics in the summer.

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15 years ago

Good tips! Of course, the best thing to do is actually exercise and get to a reasonable weight. 😛 Clothes just fit better when *you’re fit*.

15 years ago

I also agree who want’s to be a fat old ladie how bought you try putting a diet or something else that will actually change your apperance your face will definatlly show your true weight

15 years ago

No kidding, Diana, really? How is that going to help me for the wedding this Saturday, or the cocktail party six weeks after the baby is born? I can’t wait until you are old enough to actually have problems.

15 years ago

where can i get d dreeses

15 years ago

I prefer Slimpressions over TresSleek and I’ll tell you why? The fat has to go somewhere and it creates a bulge in places you don’t want it to.

I saw Slimpressions in InStyle this month and LOVE them. Slims not only my arm flab, but my back fat and jelly belly too.

15 years ago

omg! these are good ideas. but what about you dont have the money to buy $100 dollar shapers. what do you do. and dont have time to exercise.???

15 years ago

Where can I purchase Simpressions? Need to purchase quickly for my son’s wedding. I recently lost a lot of weight, and working on toning my arms.

Thank you~

15 years ago

can i get the arm shaper in Malaysia?

14 years ago

I LOVE the Mimi (Black/White/Red/Pink) Adult Shoes!!! They are so Hott! When I can wear tall heels, those will be my first choice. Their elegant enough to give you that sort of sassy edge!! Love it!~! MWAH~!^~

14 years ago

Dianna nd Kate, Isnt the point of the tips for ppl who dont hav the time to excersize nd this isnt jux fer old fat ladies its fer anybody who has something going on soon and needs to trim fat fast uh DUH

14 years ago

Guys… They’re right. If you’re going to complain about being fat, you need to excersize. It’s the best way, these are good short term alternatives, but in the long run they do nothing. And don’t tell me you don’t have time to excersize. Walk some places instead of driving, take your kids to the park and run around with them, take out the dog and run with it.
And eat less! The best way to lose weight is to control your calorie intake. Trust me I lost 15 lbs over the summer doing that.

14 years ago

I think the “hiding your stomach” idea was good, but you should still exercise, since it’ll keep you healthy. A great idea is to press a dampened cloth to your face and then work out, it makes me feel energized and fresh! And, when you’re thinking about working out, it doesn’t have to be a sport, you could dance to your favorite songs or jump rope.

14 years ago

diamondgirl, what’s your problem? you getting married. he obviously loves you just the way you look right now. so stop complaining that you have worse problems than the rest of us. sheesh. anyway, she’s right. excersise can fix more than clothes can…
