Luscious Hairstyles

By Aniela / February 19, 2009

Get ready to feast your eyes upon some seriously luscious hairstyles! Summer is fast approaching and you need to put your best foot forward and come up with a new hairstyle other than the one you've been sporting for 10 years! This season, think fun, flirty hair that will grab the attention of anyone and everyone. So head out to your salon, and give your stylist some of these tips!

Luscious Hairstyles

Long LayersLong Layered Hair

Long layers scream fun and flirty, so ask your stylist to snip off some locks, especially around the face. Long layers will give your hair more texture and also make it look fuller.

Side PartSide-Parted Hair

A side part is excellent for anyone with a long face or medium-length hair. Make a part either on the left or the right side and curl the ends a bit for a glamorous look.

Piecey EndsPiecey Ends

Curling your entire hair will make you look like Shirley Temple, but if you just curl the ends, there's nothing more perfect. Get that sexy, piecey look by wrapping the ends of your hair around a curling iron and rubbing a styling cream through.

Tease Your RootsTeased Roots

There is nothing sexier than a little volume. So next time you throw your hair up in a ponytail, backcomb the crown of your head and smooth it out with a little bit of hairspray. You'll be surprised at what a difference it'll make.

Loose WavesLoose Waves

Get touchable, loose waves by rubbing a serum into dry hair. Start curling random sections of your hair for that “slightly undone” look.

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??????? ???? 2012
13 years ago

thanks alot
it’s verey nice
