How to Look 10 Years Younger With This DIY Face Mask

By Aniela / May 20, 2016

The Japanese are known for their eternally youthful skin, and they have some secrets that we should all definitely apply to our skin care routines. We'll show you how to look 10 years younger with this DIY face mask. Apply this mask onto your face and neck at least once a week and within just a few weeks, you'll see a noticeable difference in fine lines, wrinkles, skin's elasticity, and overall appearance. Your skin will look and feel smoother!

How to Look 10 Years Younger With a Homemade Face Mask

You'll Need:

  • 3 tbsp rice
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 1 tbsp honey


Boil the rice in a cup of water until cooked. Make sure you don't let the rice absorb all the water: save the water in a cup – you will use it at the end!

Heat the milk, and stir in with the rice. Then, add your honey and mix well.

Spread the mask onto clean, dry skin, and let it sit for about 20 minutes – until dry.

Remove the mask and rinse your face with the leftover water from the rice.


Rice, which is very rich in vitamin B, has miraculous properties for skin rejuvenation. Use this mask at least once a week and you too will see miraculous results.

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