How to Get Rid Of Green Hair AKA Swimmer’s Hair

By Aniela / July 11, 2016

Since we're in the full swing of summer, that means more and more people are hitting the pool. But with the pool,  also comes the terrible, disgusting downside of green hair, also known as swimmer's hair. Green hair usually appears more-so in those with light-colored hair such as blonde or light red. And, contrary to popular belief, it's NOT the chlorine that turns hair green but the hard metals that are found in pool water such as copper, iron, and manganese in particular. So what's a girl to do? Not to fret – getting rid of green hair is a lot easier than you'd think! Here's how to get rid of green hair aka swimmer's hair.

How to Get Rid of Green Hair

I wish I had known this a long time ago…and don't ask me why I never Googled it! Since I have a pool, I tend to spend a LOT of time in there, and because my locks are blonde, I always end up with green ends. Don't get me wrong – they actually look pretty cool (kinda like I dyed my hair on purpose), but when I actually think WHY my hair is green, it really grosses me out. So after some research and testing, I found the BEST method for getting rid of green hair.

You'll Need:


Aluminum Foil


Divide your hair into 2 equal parts (as you were making 2 braids). Saturate the end of your hair with  ketchup (or where the green presides). Wrap in tin foil and sit with it for about 30 minutes. Remove tin foil, and wash hair well to get the ketchup out. And voila! That's how to get rid of green hair! It's incredibly simple, fast, and mess-free!

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5 years ago

Love all these tips. Can’t get enough of them. X
