Honey Face Masks for All Skin Types

By Aniela / July 7, 2017

Honey isn't just sweet for your taste buds, it also does some amazing things for your skin! Honey is naturally anti-septic and anti-bacterial and therefore cleanses the skin deep from within. A simple ingredient, honey is amazingly efficient at cleansing oily, acne prone skin, as well as getting rid of blackheads. Surprisingly enough though, honey is also great for dry skin because although it IS cleansing, it's also still moisturizing. Today we'll take a look at some honey face masks for all skin types. So whether you have dry skin, oily skin, or sensitive skin, there's a honey face mask for everyone!

Honey Face Masks

honey in bowl

#1. Honey Face Mask for Acne Prone Skin & Oily Skin

This super simple honey face mask targets those with acne prone skin and oily skin. This is more of a spot treatment that we recommend you leave on overnight, but you can also just leave it on for 20-30 minutes as well as apply to your entire face.

Mix ingredients together and apply directly to affected areas, or apply all over face and neck. Leave on overnight or for 20 minutes and rinse off.

#2. Honey Face Mask for Dry Skin

For those with dry skin, this honey and coconut oil concoction will hydrate deeply, all while cleansing and preventing breakouts as well as getting rid of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp honey

Mix ingredients together and massage directly onto the skin for 2-3 minutes. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and rinse off. Use 2-3 times a week for hydrated skin.

#3. Honey Face Mask for Aging Skin

This honey and oatmeal face mask is great for those with aging skin, and will not only prevent wrinkles and fine lines, but will also erase them. Use it 2-3 times a week for brighter, younger looking skin.

  • 1 tbsp oatmeal
  • 1 tbsp honey

Mix ingredients together and apply to face and neck. Leave on for 20-25 minutes and massage gently before rinsing off.

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Honey Face Masks

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