Jessica Simpson’s Style Rise

By Aniela / May 3, 2007

The first time I actually saw this picture, the first thing that came to my head was: “Wow! she looks really uncomfortable!” But does she really look out of place, or was it just a weird shot? Either way, her outfit needs to be evaluated because in my opinion, those pants are just way too high.

I know high-waisted pants are in, and yes, they do give you nice curves and a nice waist, but there also needs to be a limit to how high they can be. The high-waisted pants that she is wearing, go way up and beyond their normal line and they just make her look ridiculous.

Other than that, Jessica Simpson's style is always flattering to her shape, but this time, she just outdid herself. Not only does she look uncomfortable in these pants, but she should also give them a good ironing, eek!

I must say that she does look absolutely stunning with her new hair color…it steers away from the “dumb blonde” persona she's had for so long! What do you think of her outfit? jessica-simpson2.jpg

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17 years ago

I don’t like it…looks uncomfortable and very unflattering.

16 years ago

her face exprecion gives away how uncomforable those pant’s are

15 years ago

I normally would like it but I think she, well it isn’t working for her.
