Are Skinny Jeans Going Out of Style?

By Aniela / June 23, 2008

So the time has finally arrived when I can safely say that yes, skinny jeans are finally out and I am soooo happy! I've never really been a big fan of skinny jeans and let's face it; they do NOT flatter most people unless you're wearing 5-inch heels, which most of us aren't….they don't complement your figure.

Are Skinny Jeans Going Out of Style?

So are skinny jeans going out of style? I sincerely hope so!

So if you were one of those people sporting the skinny jeans, you can slowly say your goodbyes and move on to bigger and better things such as the wide-leg jeans, which I am a fan of. Not only do wide-leg jeans look better on everyone, but they're so much easier to wear! Since they don't shrink at the bottom and they flare out, it will give the illusion of a longer, thinner silhouette. You can wear these babies with flip-flops, chunky heels and even wedges, they'll still look good!

Since the wide-leg jean just came back in fashion, I would suggest going and trying on different styles to see which ones better suit you. Grab a dark pair for when you go out at night and a light pair for during the day.wide-leg jeans

My favorite combination is a wide-leg pant with a puffy-sleeve or a billowy top and a pair of wedges. This look will work almost anytime anywhere. Just add some accessories and you're good to go!

But either way, I am extremely happy that skinny jeans are no longer a go, and I can finally bid my goodbyes!!wide leg pants

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16 years ago

Actually, skinny jeans are one of the few jeans that do compliment my figure. Wide flare jeans make me look shorter than my already short body is.

16 years ago

the skinny jean. It all depends on the kind of figure you are, let’s be honest “skinny” jeans are great for decently “skinny” figures, it give them presence and curves(sizes 0-4). On the other hand it shouldn’t be worn with people who are to curvy around the thighs,legs,waist, and yes even body- at times it give them a flatter butt and looks tightning around the legs and seemingly unproportational, it gives them the a wider & bigger image, oh it also shows the extra baggage around the tummy & sides. With bigger curves&weight, trousers & wide leg jeans would work… Read more »

16 years ago

I actually like skinny jeans on me….they make my legs look longer and compliments my curves. I sometimes wear wide flare jeans but to me they are going out of style.

16 years ago

Actually, skinny jeans are still a main staple of designers’ summer lines. I always get compliment when I wear mine, and honestly wide-leg jeans or high-waist jeans are harder for people to pull off than skinny jeans. Skinny jeans are sexy, the jeans in the pictures above remind me of mom jeans!

16 years ago

What r u thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! skinny jeans totally complement ur figure and go great with flats. they r wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hotter then flare or straight jeans!!!!!!!!!!! and they r very “IN” where i live.

16 years ago

i was hoping to get some new jeans for this school year!
I’lll get some anyways…LOL!

16 years ago

Skinny jeans only look good on skinny people
The world is getting fatter
so they are slowly going out in a way…

16 years ago

Skinny Jeans are hot,
And they are very in where i live
they compliment skinny bodies like mine.
and i love them
wide leg jeans are okay… buht yeah.
soo yeahh buzz off.

16 years ago

Skinny jeans are still in, yes. But they’re only for skinny people with no curves. Trust me.

I might try the wide-leg. Interesting. I’m always fashion forward.

16 years ago

i LUV skinny jeans they compliment my figur since im on the slim side and kinda tall.i also like wide legs too but they jus make me look like a stick unfortunateley.

16 years ago

skinny jeans are cool! Wide leg jeans arent as awsome.

16 years ago

I am going to have to disagree with the statement that skinny jeans are OUT. SKINNY JEANS are hott. You don’t have to wear 5 inch heels to make skinny jeans look hott. Wide leg jeans are hott too but they complient peoples figures less… trust me! If you dont have height on you then it will make you look shorter or wider. You must make sure your wide legs complient you because there are a variety of different widths of wideness. But wear whatever makes you happy and makes you feel good. I’ll be wearing my skinny jean until… Read more »

Common Sense
16 years ago

Skinny jeans look good on all figures except for extremely obese people. Ive seen them on skinny women, average women, and bodacious women. They look good. Boot-cut jeans are out of style. I hate them. Wide leg jeans make women look like total and complete idiots. Whats the need for shoes if everybody wants around with those things.. might as well walk around with shoe boxes on your feet if youre rocking wide-legs!

16 years ago

I think you should post some actual links that show “Skinny Jeans” are out for fall 2008. Everywhere I look, the stores are showing new Skinny Jeans for Fall. Those high wasted, wide leg jeans you show in your examples make short and wide figures look worse than Skinny Jeans ever could.

16 years ago

–Common Sense
What are you talking about??
Boot Cut denim are permanent as far as the denim world goes. They will never go out of style. And one of the first things we are taught in fashion school is that boot cut is the MOST FLATTERING jean out there that suits the most people.

16 years ago

I love skinny jeans! Only my MOM wears wears wide leg jeans (well actually I have ONE pair of wide, low jeans that are fabu and which I wear with sandals a lot), and I majorly adore skinny jeans! I wear them at least 3 times a week (in different shades, of course), and thew look amazing with flats, heels, and my Vans and Converse!

16 years ago

I will be glad to see the back of skinny jeans. never could
stand them. Flares and wide legged jeans are much, much better and wide legged jeans don’t make woman look like idiots, despite what someone said on here. I look great in mine.

16 years ago

Im actually pretty short but skinny jeans tend to make me look taller. And plus they’re still in where i live. All my friends are still donning their skinny jeans on a regular basis! Al though i hate the really fat people who wear skinny jeans and end up looking like a meatball atop two denim sausages. 😀

K Monty
16 years ago

Well, I’ve been shopping for jeans the last couple weeks and could hardly find any bootcut which is what I usually wear. So I got flare mid-rise which actually look good but I am older and thought maybe it was too much?! However, after reading the comments about them looking like mom pants, I guess I picked the right style! Skinny jeans are cute, but mostly for young figures, IMHO.

16 years ago

i’ve always liked skinny jeans,but I think that only skinny girls hence ” skinny”,should wear them.

16 years ago

i dont know i’m just now becoming comfortable enough to wear skinney jeans and now they are leaving. how long can i get away with wearing them? i like to think of myself as a fashion mover and schacker.

16 years ago

i like skinny jeans more than flare ones, it made me look sexier…

16 years ago

I’m small framed, and I have short legs, so the flares make me look “cuter” especially now that I’ve lost my preggo weight & I have more of a figure now. The skinny jeans always made me wanna gag… but my Mom wore them when I was a kid – so that may have messed with my psychy towards them.
Thankfully, being in the south, everyone wears boots, and the flares seem more practical and comfortable for boots, I don’t think flares will ever go out of style down here!

16 years ago

It is december and skinny jeans are definantly still in.

16 years ago

I love skinny jeans. For those of us who don’t wear heels to school, they actually look good with Converse and Vans.

16 years ago

skinnys are still in!

15 years ago

Look chick, i dont know what planet your from
but skinny and straight leg jeans are still in and on fire! They’re in every store, and you see everyone rocking them… and 5 inch heels are not mandatory.
I’ve never seen anyone wearing those ridiculous
wide leg jeans… they’re gross.
So idk ?

15 years ago

skinny jeans are hot and i dont care if they do go out of style, if you like them keep doing you cause i still wear mine and i look good in them.

15 years ago

Ugghhh, I LOVE my skiny jeans. They’re the only tight jeans I can wear because i’m so skinny! I wear a size 000 and love them. I can’t stand flare jeans, they make me look shorter and fat. I like my skinnies because they make it seem like my ruler-straight hips are curvier.

15 years ago

thank you these tips are so helpfull

15 years ago

i feel great with my skinny jeans,my boyfriend likes me in them,i dont wear heals though..i just go with styled up flats..word of advice though to the big people…skinies r just not 4 u i mean lets b real.

15 years ago

I don’t understand this trend (that is still going on and on). True, there are a few people on whom skinny jeans are flattering. But “a few” does not equal “most”. There are so many women wearing these who shouldn’t be wearing them. They are overrated and unflattering. I work with a women who wears these everyday. She is not fat or anything, but they do not flatter her. And she’s mentioned a few times how universally flattering they are. And also that I should try some because they’d be so cute on me. So wrong. And the worst of… Read more »

15 years ago

Wide-cut jeans do absolutely nothing good for a figure like mine. I’m petite/average weight. I look like a clown in them. The style makes absolutely no sense.

15 years ago

actually no one likes wide legs they make you look fat!! and skinny jeans look so much better and they are so not out! everyone weats them including celebrities!!!!!!!!

camilla wilson
15 years ago

they’re still gonna be in for now all i see is skinny jeans or shorts but scince it’s summer and it’s hot they’re not in now for fall they will be i see them on a lot of runways

15 years ago

i agree with outwiththeskinnyjeans :] they are like aero… (and the other companies with their name printed on them… u are paying them to be walking billboards) … a cliche

15 years ago

thats so true im only 5 feet and not skinny or fat im just curvy and i love them they make me look tall and my legs so thin & long . i wear dark color jeans maybe thats why i wear them with any kind of shoes and im ready to go..

I luv skinnies

15 years ago

Skinnyz Are So Totally In.

I Don’t Kno What They Are Talking About.

They Are IN Where I Live, I Just Bought

4 New Skinnyz.

15 years ago

Skinnies are Soooo in , Wide leg or whatever ya call em are SOOooo NOT!!! they are ugly and the world would be a better place without them , but the whole style trend thing.Doesnt it kinda depend on your age? If your in ya 50’s are ya realy guna wear skinnies? No. probly not. teens and ppl in their 20’s and 30’s are they guna wear skinnies or wides? Skinnies, hands down.Their a fashion staple. Everything, i mean EVERYTHING, goes with skinnies.and the 5 inch heels? really? no,the only ppl who you would see wearing them would be models… Read more »

15 years ago

outwithskinnyjeans: if you dont like them leave it at

i agree their goin out of style hold the drama.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Skinny jeans re very hot right now, also denim leggins that are like super skinny jeans, they’re going nowhere!

15 years ago

skinny jeans are sooooooooooooooooo NOT out

15 years ago

i luv skinny jeans

15 years ago

Skinny jeans are so flattering unless you are overweight!! They look great on average women, not just skinny women. I’m skinny and short, and they make me look so much taller. Wide jeans only look good on tall people, and it makes people look fatter! The most universally flattering jean is the bootcut.

15 years ago

Skinny jeans are starting to annoy the hell out of me. It’s all people wear these days. I definitley will never be putting on a pair of skinny jeans, ever.

15 years ago

um actually i’m on the short side and curvy but i dont have a stomach and skinny jeans look great on me. they show off my curves and they dont only look good on skinny people. they’re called skinny jeans because they are straight and tight with no shape, not because only skinny people should wear them

15 years ago

arrived here after googling “size 0”, because i’d never heard of it. if you’re female and want to style-whip other fashion gals, then keep on worrying about this. but… just mentioning that… most guys don’t care about this. almost anything off the rack is going to be too generic-looking to “make an (art) statement”. and otherwise it will also be “weird”. tall shoes/ heels are dangerous. short tall fat skinny, doesn’t matter on average. kind of the same with faces, too. it would be interesting from a psychological perception POV, to research why the apparently conflicting comments above, “i’m [short|tall|fat|thin]… Read more »

14 years ago

Lol, how funny. This article was written in 2008.

That was 2 years ago and the author said that skinnies are out!

But now, 2 years later, it’s in and on fire!

Lol, you just made my day

14 years ago

I know right lmfao , Skinny jeans well NEVER go out. Because when you start wearing them… everything else feels weird. And you cant even wear alot of shoes with flare jeans… && PS, Flare jeans are just a fad . Those are out ,

14 years ago

Skinny jeans should be back in style. I know flares are comfortable but they look weird . LIKE SUPER WEIRD. Besides flare jeans cover everything of your shoes. Skinny jeans are good with low top converse but not flare. Like if you want to show some friends your new sneakers flare will totally cover them up but not skinny. SO SKINNY JEANS ARE NEVER OUT OF STYLE EVER.

MiSs SkInNy JeAnS
14 years ago

I’m a bit chunkier in the thighs, i never thought skinny jeans would look good on me, so i’ve only just built up the self-confidence to try them. I went to old Navy, and found the PERFECT pair! Now i love them, lol, better late in the fad than never. Also, have you heard of those silly bands? hhaaa, i’ve only just found some of those i like :/ hahaa

14 years ago

Skinny jeans are dated as ****. Most girls who wear them are way too fat for them. The whole era of skinny jeans has been a blubberfest. Skinny jeans make girls with short legs look even more dwarf-like. If you’re wearing skinny jeans with flats, converse, vans, or moccasin, it just looks childlike. They only look good with heels and wearing heels isn’t healthy. It was time to put skinny jeans away by the time summer started.

14 years ago

Trends aren’t really my thing. I wear what I like and I don’t like wide-leg trousers, never have. Celebrities can wear their big clunky trousers all they like, I’ll be sticking with my sleek skinnies like I have all my life!

Jay Loves Skinnies
14 years ago

I love skinny jeans, I’m not fat, actually I’m really really Thin. I still like em, the creases, the folds at the end, to Freedom,lol etc. I love them!

14 years ago

Why would you want the “illusion” of being thinner? That’s called lying and it never works anyway. If you get in shape instead of staying lazy and complaining there will be no problem. Wide leg jeans look silly, like a circus clown or something. Looks like you are trying to hide your shoes. Btw, fat girls look bad in everything they wear so don’t trash skinny jeans. How about fat chicks in shorts and baby doll tees?

They also don’t require heels. You are confusing the emo look with reality. Its a trend, it will die.

Poisonous Lawz
14 years ago

Shalura, What a shallow thing to say! Fat girls can look great in the right cuts and styles. Granted, maybe skinnies are not the way forward where the heavier legs are concerned, but to rule out ‘fat’ girls as looking bad in everything is a revolting way of speaking. I really hope you pop out a brood of children and struggle shifting that baby weight and then get to see yourself.

14 years ago

Skinny jeans don’t work for anyone. If you’re thin it makes you look sickly and if you have some meat on you it makes you look bigger. Stick with the classic boot cut.

14 years ago

i agree with Poisonous Lawz. verrry shallow to be talking about heavy-set girls like that, keep it to yourself Shalura.

wide leg jeans arent flattering. i do not care how many people diagree, they make you look huuuge. plus they flap around when you walk…am i the only one that finds that annoying?

14 years ago

During a long day of shopping, all I saw were skinny jeans (and legging jeans). It’s odd that this article says that skinny jeans are out of style. During these last several years of having the 80s back in style, I only bought two pairs of skinny jeans (that are actually too baggy), so I ‘m looking for a better pair and just found one today. If they are out of style, I’d love to know for certain because I am down for boot cut all the way.

14 years ago

I don’t think skinny jeans are going out of style yet, UNFORTUNATELY! However, who said wide leg trousers are flattering? They are horrible. They are only meant for tall and slim women. For skinny jeans you have to be very proportional as well. I have wide hips,I’m short and a bit top-heavy. Can I wear skinny jeans? Well, I even have one pair…I tried… but do they look good on me? No. They make me look shorter and, besides, you have to look very young (I mean young, maximimum 20-something)to get away with them. As someone said above, they look… Read more »

14 years ago

flared jeans are tacky… the skinny/straight leg hybrid is what’s in!

14 years ago

ew! flared jeans are aweful!!! honestly they look bad on EVERYONE! i like loose skinny jeans… if that makes sense… (not skin tight PLEASE!) and straight leg jeans are cute…

13 years ago

I remember saying that I would NEVER wear skinny jeans. Interestingly enough – the make up the majority of jeans in my closet. I also love flared jeans. Why should either of them be “out” though? This is the thing I don’t like about fashion. Yes – some things are horrendous and should not be in forever (i.e.: Michael Jackon’s Thriller jacket, short t-shirts). But there are so many ways to wear skinny and flared jeans. If you are heavier, you can always wear a tunic or something flowy and flattering with a skinny jean. The same goes for flared… Read more »

13 years ago

You people are crazy. Flared jeans make EVERYBODY’S legs look longer and leaner.
Skinny jeans are out. They made they’re comeback, now its over.
Fashion trends (In this case, skinny jeans) are like Britney Spears.
First they are SO popular and we all love them
Then they DIE OUT.
Then they make a HUGE comeback
Then they die out again.
Repeat, and then you have two descriptions: Britney Spears and Skinny Jeans, or Fashion trends in general.
My motto is, wear what you want, as long as your comfortable and you look good.

13 years ago

r u crazy? skinny jeans are totaly IN were i live and i get a colmplinent every time i wear mine!

12 years ago

dood. skinny jeans are the only jeans I can wear that make me look not skinny. I’m 5’9, 120 lbs, built like a model, (and I’ve been told I should model, but I don’t want to because then I’d have to stop eating and I just love eating too much to stop). I own a couple pairs of flared jeans but all they do is make me look taller. Skinny jeans hug my thighs and hips and give me curves! As a skinny person ranging from sizes 0 to 2, skinny jeans saved my fashion life. The best part is… Read more »
