Rompers For Women: Yay or Nay?

By Aniela / May 26, 2011

Rompers for women: yay or nay? Is it just me or does it seem like way too many things are coming back from 2 seasons ago? I get the return of the maxi dress (it's comfy and versatile for the summer), BUT, the return of rompers? I'm just not ready…

Rompers For Women: Yay or Nay?

So what do you beauties think of rompers? Are they a yay or a nay?

Well you know my stand on rompers has changed. When they first came on the scene, I really took a liking to them, but it was actually really hard to find a good quality one that fitted right and was the right price. Of course in the end I found one and I enjoyed wearing it, but for some reason, I think their time in the spotlight should have been cut off at that time.

Whenever I think of rompers now…I think of onesies and to be honest, it makes me feel like a big baby! Rompers, in my opinion, are only appropriate for the beach. Rompers at night or out on the town, are a big no no to me.

It screams 80s, big baby, and….cheesy? I'm not sure where my strong dislike for rompers came from, but maybe it had something to do with some horrendous celebrity romper faux-pas? In either case, I think rompers don't flatter women's bodies for the most part! Take a look and then let me know how YOU feel about rompers!

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13 years ago

i think people should only wear rompers doing day time. Rompers are so not nightime outfits. The best kind of rompers I like are the ones the ones that are a little baggy at the waitline. They dont hug your body either, so it doesnt give off the exact shape of the romper. They would look great with a leather belt. So i vot e yay.

13 years ago

I agree! I think that if you want to wear something like that, you should opt for a dress. I think they’re much more flattering. If you like rompers because they’re edgy, the right dress/shoe combination can be just what your looking for.

13 years ago

i think they could be a little longer but they rock cuz if a girl doesn’t wanna wear a short skirt then they can wear rompers but they create a problem when you take them off so i say (spite the last part) yay!!!

13 years ago

I think rompers can be nightime outfits if you wear it with heels or with a blazer. The accessories can make a difference as well. In my opinion they are great. You can look edgy or girly depending on how you wear it. It’s a total yay for me !! 🙂

13 years ago

omg omg omg omg grossness

13 years ago

I absolutely love rompers! And I do agree about the whole not-at-night thing, rompers are DEFINITELY daytime wear!

13 years ago

I love rompers! I love how I can just throw one on, add a cardi + a scarf or statement necklace, and go! I think a black one with some heels + glam and a nice cinching belt would work for night.

13 years ago

It really depends on what it looks like! They usually remind me of toddlers but if they are sexier, then it would be a yayyyy!

13 years ago

OH HELL NO. can’t stand them. they are basically onesies with longer leg holes. No one should wear them day or night. people should wear them NEVER.

13 years ago

I’m an “oldster” …I HATE rompers..they remind me of ill fitting gym suits we had to wear in the 60’s (not sure how long they wore them or if they still do..) hate them!

Maybe if someone has a great personal tailor to make them fit..but geez,..unless they changed them somehow, you have to take the whole thing off to pee… (if the have snaps they are uncomfortable!)

12 years ago

Two of my friends have like five…on one friend, she can find ones that fit, and just look like shorts and a shirt. The other friend wears ill fitting ones that are clearly a romper. So, a yay if you can pull it off and do it right, but most of the time its a big nay from me

12 years ago

Hey! I happen to love rompers! It is so easy to play with paterns and fabrics. I prefer mine to be in a light fabric that falls easily on your skin rather than the stiffer fabric. They are like dresses but with more mobility (because of the shorts). I like that i can just throw it on with a pair of cute sandals and a statement neclace (possibly some simple leather bracelets as well) for a quick easy-going look. I do however agree that rompers make a much better daytime look, but i suppose if you play your cards right… Read more »
