DIY Shine Hair Spray

By Aniela / December 21, 2016

This DIY shine hair spray is SO easy to make and will make your hair extremely shiny! Don't waste your money on chemically-laden sprays that will only leave your hair dry, but rather, make your own, save some money, and see the HUGE difference in your hair after only using it a few times!

Homemade Shine Hair Spray

This DIY shine hair spray can be used on either wet hair or dry hair. I like using it on wet hair, right out of the shower, and then style as usual. My hair feels amazingly soft and super shiny afterwards!

You'll Need:

  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2-3 tsp coconut oil
  • 2-3 tsp jojoba oil
  • spray bottle


  1. In a clean, empty spray bottle, add your water.
  2. Then, add in your coconut and jojoba oils.
  3. Close the top, and shake well to mix.
  4. Spray on wet or dry hair and style as usual

I absolutely love this DIY shine hair spray because it's so unbelievably easy to make and will leave your hair super soft!

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Image Source: jetajone

diy shine hair spray

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