Must-Have Self Tanner: Vichy Autobronzant

By Aniela / August 3, 2011

Today we'll review the Vichy Autobronzant! Vichy's Capital Soleil Autobronzant is like a God-sent self-tanner for me. I ask myself every day, how I could have gone so long without trying this stuff…is beyond me. Anyways, I gave it a go a couple of weeks ago when I bought the rest of my Vichy loot (which I love!) and I immediately fell in love with it.

Must-Have Self Tanner: Vichy Autobronzant


  1. It doesn't have that gross self-tanning smell that most self-tanners have. It actually just smells like a regular moisturizer
  2. Develops within one hour – you can actually see results in less than that.
  3. Leaves you with a beautiful, perfect glow – not orangey, fake, or super dark – just enough to make it look as if you've been sitting in the sun for a bit.
  4. Doesn't clog pores or break you out. Vichy is known for their sensitive skin products so this is 100% safe to use on acne prone or sensitive skin.
  5. It doesn't leave streaks  – just make sure you blend it well into your skin!
  6. The color doesn't fade away quickly and you can build it to your liking. If you want a darker look, just apply more!
  7. It goes on smoothly and hydrates your skin for hours.
  8. Last but not least, it looks extremely natural.

Can I say anything bad about this product? No, not really. I recommend it to anyone that wants a natural looking, safe tan. I don't know if you can get it in stores in the United States, but you can order it online. And at only $28 a pop, you can't really go wrong for a self-tanner!

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12 years ago

I just tried the Vichy self tanner. I put it in a dish with my regular body lotion like I was told to do. Can anyone tell me if this will still work? I love the fact that it has no harsh scent. It is very nice smelling.
Can anyone answer these questions for me?
Can you apply it straight from the tube?
How long does it take to dry?
Do you have to rub it right into your skin?
