At-Home Natural Skin Care Remedies

By Aniela / February 25, 2009

There is nothing more we love than natural skin care remedies? They're cheap, fast, and they work! It can get quite expensive if you spend your hard earned cash on beauty products that you can actually make at home. These amazing at-home natural skin care remedies will leave you wondering why in the world you would need to buy anything at all! Still, let's try to keep the economy going, but save your wallets at the same time.

At-Home Natural Skin Care Remedies

Dry & Itchy Skinsoft skin

If you have dry and itchy skin, you don't need to go out and purchase a bunch of lotions. The solution is right in your home. Add one cup of instant powdered whole milk and one cup of baking soda to running bathwater. Get in and relax for 15 minutes. Follow up with your favorite moisturizer and you're all set!

At-Home ExfoliatorOlives

Don't feeling like shelling out cash for an expensive exfoliator? Try this trick. Eat some olives and keep the pits. Grind the pits and use as a body scrubber. Ground olive stones act as a natural, rich exfoliator that cleanse the skin and removes dead skin cells all the while giving you a beautiful glow.

Sunburnt SkinSour Cream

Here's a secret that comes all the way from Russia: use sour cream on burnt skin. It works and it's super cheap! Cold sour cream will help sooth the irritated skin while giving you a beautiful bright glow. Use plain organic yougurt and buttermilk to get super soft skin and even out skin tone.

Bananas for BeautyBananas

Bananas are very helpful when it comes to your hair and skin. Mash a very ripe banana and apply it to your skin and/or hair for 15 minutes. The ingredients found in banana help to hydrate both your hair and skin all at the same time.

To see more posts like this one, check out our Skin Care Blog!

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13 years ago

I am very great full with your findings
