DIY Turmeric Face Mask for Sun Damaged Skin

By Aniela / June 9, 2017

Sun damaged skin is very common, and it's basically all the discoloration and dark spots you may see on your face. It's basically when the skin gets damaged so badly by exposure to the sun, that it leaves a mark. These unsightly marks look like scars and dark spots, but thankfully, there are many natural ways to remove them. Today we'll share with you this DIY turmeric face mask for sun damaged skin. Made with all natural ingredients, this DIY turmeric face mask will lighten the dark area, erasing any trace of sun damage.

DIY Turmeric Face Mask

turmeric tomato mask

Source: Mommypotamus

You'll Need:

  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp yogurt
  • 1/2 tsp pureed tomato


  1. Mix all ingredients together.
  2. Apply all over face and neck OR only on the affected spots.
  3. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse off.
  4. Use 3 times a week in order to see results.

Benefits of DIY Turmeric Face Mask

before and after sun damage

Source: Elizafacialist

Turmeric powder acts as a natural skin lightener and goes deep into the skin to bleach dark spots and sun damage.

Yogurt counteracts the powerful properties of turmeric by gently exfoliating, cleansing, and hydrating the skin.

Tomato, like turmeric, is also another natural bleaching agent that works amazingly at erasing dark spots and sun damaged over time.

Make sure to use the mask 3 times a week for at least a month. Within about two weeks, you should already see sun damage spots begin to disappear. Use consistently for best results.

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DIY Turmeric Face Mask

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