Messy Updos- Boho Braids

By Aniela / April 12, 2007

One of the hottest trends this summer will be the very cute, very elegant and easy to do, boho braids. A boho braid is a side swept single braid that gives your coif a little edge. Boho braids work on anyone with medium to long hair. It doesn't work that well on short hair because the braid needs to be swept across to one side and go behind the ear.

A boho braid can be included in any messy updos, including natural, soft waves, or just a messy bun. To get the messy updo with the boho braid, start by spritzing your hair with a shine enhancer after you've washed it.

Get a dime-sized amount of gel or mousse and scrunch your hair with your hands. Flip your hair over for even more volume, and blow dry.

Take a 2-4 inch piece of hair right at the front (see picture) and braid it across to the other side. Make sure you braid it all the way to the end. Pin the braid behind the ear, and you're all set. Boho braids are great for the summer because they keep the hair out of your face, as well as giving you a chic and elegant do that you can wear anytime during the day.boho braid

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17 years ago

I like this style! I will have to try a messy braid style! I think its HOT! Check out some braids that I have done at

17 years ago

this is so hot

16 years ago

it’s a very sexy braid

16 years ago

it looks so good and seems easy to do

15 years ago

i am a loner at school nobody likes me because they are too cool i want a really nice hairstyle and clothes so they will like me please help?

15 years ago

Everyone is beautiful being themselves. BUT your clothing depends on where you live. For example, I live in Arizona where girls wear Uggs with skirts and shorts as to where I use to live in El Paso, TX if I wore that people will judge and some will laugh. If you really want to be with the “in” crowd look at what they’re wearing and go from there, usually store manicans are dressed with “cool” clothing, or even the employees wear today’s fashions. Ask a sales associate to help you put together a “cool” outfit for school. Many times you… Read more »

15 years ago

loner, im not trying to be mean but changing your look may not even help anything. instead of trying to be part of the ‘in’ crowd, talk to people in classes, make friends by being yourself, not being a follower of what is cool, because that changes as often as people change their clothes/hair/friends. remember that everyone, even the cooler kids in school are trying to fit in, because the cool kids judge people and are fake, they end up judging each other and being miserable for it. i think you should go to some out of school clubs and… Read more »

15 years ago

ok i got the braid down; just the waves like in the pic, which is sexier– natural braids or flat iron crimper?

and “loner” — heres an idea: switch schools start fresh. good luck… and remeber just be yourself; if no one likes you: dont waste your time with them.


14 years ago

Who is that model?? she looks familier. and shes veryy pretty, im jelous.. 🙁

14 years ago

bob cuts r in

14 years ago

so easssy to do& so quick for when your in a rush, just my kind of hairstyle to be honest, slap on some eye make-up and off you go 😀

14 years ago

I would love to put my hair like that but it wont work ugh!!! got any tips for mee?

14 years ago

Let’s go back to kindergarten and learn how to spell jealous. Some people need to take a nap or something. If you’re concerned with looking good in school you should really take the time to make sure you’ll be going to school next year, rather than being the only hot 14 year old in first grade.

just me
14 years ago

Hey Megan, stop trying to look “cool” and acting like a jerk simply because someone misspelled a word! Noboody is perfect so dont sit there and act all judgemental like you’ve never made a typo! Just because you might be miserable with your life, dont try to make someone else feel stupid! Its wrong and immature so grow up!

just me
14 years ago

And loner, dont worry about what other people think of you! You are who you are because thats the way God wanted you! He makes no mistakes and you are perfect in His eyes! Those kids at school are just as insecure and that is why they make other kids feel “uncool”, it helps their egos. Be yourself and be true and people will see that youre the type of person they want to call their friend!

14 years ago

To Loner, A lot of people at my school tend to look down on other people. Megan sounds immature therefor her advice isn’t good at all! don’t listen to people Who tend to make you feel bad about yourself. be who you wanna be and your natural glow will shine through, i’m a 15 year old freshman And i make plenty of mistakes but i stay true to myself. i have a lot of guys saying i’m pretty but i don’t get out and hang with the popular crowd. i’m in band and so is my boyfriend. we have been… Read more »

13 years ago

This hairstyle is really pretty. I see lots of people in school who do this kind of braid, and it looks really good. I think what I’ve been doing wrong when braiding my side bangs like this is the fact that I don’t do it tight enough. It also helps to lift the hair in the direction of the desired braid so you don’t get a little puff at the top when you finally pin it back. Hope this helps. Once I get the hang of it, I will do it often! I’m really not so hairstyle-savvy in the morning,… Read more »

13 years ago

this is a very cool braid!! I <3 it. The only problem is….I don't know how to side braid! Can you guys tell me how? And just one thing……………………………………………….I FREAKIN' HAVE DEAD-STRAIGHT HAIR. As in S T R A I G H T!!!!! So every time I try to curl it..It goes Poof! Back to good old straight hair T_T

Why do you care?
13 years ago

loner, you are lucky i am SO popular i never have a second alone sometimes even when i am sleeping but if you really want help just get a TON of designer stuff like me!!!!!!

13 years ago

I wore this to school and it was totally awesome! I dyed a streak of my hair a light brown which looked really good with my super naturally platinum blonde hair. Then that part was in the braid and I looked so cute! 30 other girls started doing it!

12 years ago

I love all of these styles but i have bangs that lay across my forehead… can I be boho with my bangs that I cant braid?
