What’s Your Favorite Beauty Brand?

By Aniela / January 24, 2009

Do you know what your favorite beauty brand is? I often find myself arguing with my friends about what the best brand is for your skin and makeup and such, but of course I always end up winning! All jokes aside though, I've tried countless different brands and none of them compare to Clinique. I've been a fan of Clinique for a few years now and I gotta say it beats the competition. So what's YOUR favorite beauty brand? I wanna know!

What's Your Favorite Beauty Brand?


I first started using Clinique's face products such as their toner, face wash, and moisturizer and saw a huge improvement in my complexion. So of course I kept up with that and I always look for Clinique Gift With Purchase because seriously, there is nothing better than that. You buy your necessary Clinique stuff AND you get freebies with that too!

I also like Clinique's makeup too, although I am a MAC fan…always was and always will be, but Clinique's got some good stuff too. I like some of their eyeshadows since they're hypoallergenic and I wear contacts, it just works for me.

So let me know what you favorite beauty brand is or even your favorite Clinique product. Either way, I love to hear from you guys!

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16 years ago

Bobbie Brown……. it has to be Bobbie Brown

[…] have no doubt in my mind that most people have tried Clinique’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion because honestly, it is one of the best face lotions on the market. This product is so popular that […]

15 years ago

i like this brand also, they always give away free stuff, i also like organic brands like nbeauty.biz and juice beauty.they also give away alot of free stuff

15 years ago

I currently don’t have a favorite brand. I like certain things from every brand. It really depends on what beauty product I’m out of and what my budget is at that time.
