Homemade Microdermabrasion Paste For Silky, Clear Skin

By Aniela / June 6, 2018

If you suffer from oily, acne prone, and less than perfect skin, microdermabrasion may be just the thing you need! Even if you already have pretty great skin though, it can still benefit your skin. Microdermabrasion is a method of sloughing off the dead layers of your skin (top layers), removing dead and damaged skin cells, and stimulating collagen production. With regular treatments, microdermabrasion keep help keep acne at bay, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and keep skin clear and glowing.

But you don't have to visit a salon or a dermatologist to get a microdermabrasion treatment because this homemade microdermabrasion paste works JUST as well for a fraction of the price.

Homemade Microdermabrasion Paste

microdermabrasion paste

Source: Freebiefindingmom

This homemade microdermabrasion paste take just minutes to make and uses all natural ingredients. Best of all, it's super cheap, and will leave your skin feeling and looking like a million bucks!

We love to use this once a week to rid the skin of dead skin cells, rejuvenate cells, improve collagen production, and keep acne and fine lines away!

You'll Need:

  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp water
  • 1/8 tsp melted coconut oil
  • 1 drop essential lavender oil


  1. In a small bowl, mix all ingredients together until the consistency is that of a thick paste.
  2. Store the mixture in a clean, airtight jar.

How to Use:

Apply the microdermabrasion paste all over face and neck and rub in slow, circular motions for a few minutes.

Be sure not to press too hard as baking soda is fairly granular and pressing too hard onto the skin may cause the skin to tear.

Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.

Follow up with a homemade moisturizer.

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Homemade Microdermabrasion Paste

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