Homemade Toner Recipe For All Skin Types

By Aniela / July 2, 2018

If you've been buying your toners from the store in the past, you need to stop right now! Store bought toners are packed full of alcohol (which is a drying agent), perfumes, and artificial colors which actually irritate the skin more than they balance it. This homemade toner recipe is a great alternative because it balances the skin's pH, controlling oil and dryness, and will cost you next to thing!

So if you're looking for the perfect toner for all skin types, look no further than this homemade toner recipe that will help with a slew of skin problems including:

  • acne
  • oiliness
  • dryness
  • dull skin
  • blotchiness
  • redness
  • inflammation

Homemade Toner Recipe

homemade acv toner

This recipe uses all natural, organic ingredients, and we encourage you to do the same! The more natural the ingredient is, the more effective it is!

You'll Need:


  1. For normal/dry skin, we recommend mixing 1/3 part vinegar to 2/3 parts filtered water. Add about 5-10 drops of lavender and frankincense essential oils for every 2 oz of toner if using.
  2. For oily/acne prone skin, mix 1/2 part vinegar and 1/2 part filtered water. Add about 5-10 drops of lavender and frankincense essential oils for every 2 oz of toner if using.
  3. Store the toner in a glass bottle or jar at room temperature.
  4. Use the toner in the morning and at night, after having removed all traces of makeup.

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Homemade Toner Recipe

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6 years ago

Two questions. 1) How long will this toner last and 2) when you say 1/2 part vinegar and 1/2 part water, what measurement are you speaking of? Cups, ounces teaspoon, tablespoon?
