How to Make a Hair Mask

By Aniela / August 9, 2017

Making your own hair masks is seriously addicting! If you've never made one before, you're in luck. Today we'll give you a crash course on how to make a hair mask! Making your own hair mask is super easy, and most of the time, you'll already have all the necessary ingredients in your kitchen. Best of all, a homemade hair mask will cost you pennies and will work a lot better than any store bought hair masks. Because you're only using natural ingredients, you don't have to worry about dyes, perfumes, alcohols, or other harmful ingredients.

How to Make a Hair Mask – A Crash Course

Follow the steps below to learn how to make a hair mask. Then, head on over to our Hair Section to choose any one of the hundreds of DIY hair masks . Whether you're looking for a hair growth mask, a hair mask for dry hair, or a hair mask for damaged hair, there's something for every hair type! The guide below is perfect for beginner beauty DIYers and once you have the basics down, the combinations and possibilities are endless!

#1. Pick a Base

hair mask base

The first step to make your own hair mask is picking a base. The base is the almighty ingredient in your hair mask. Depending on what you're trying to achieve, the base will determine that.

#2. Choose Your Filling

Hair Mask Filling

After you've chosen your base, it's time to pick two “fillings”. The fillings are two ingredients you choose to add to your mask which will further strengthen the base.

  • Strawberries – for oily hair
  • Bananas – for dry hair
  • Avocado – for dry, damaged hair
  • Baking Soda – for product build up and oily hair
  • Almond Oil – for breaking, damaged, and dry hair
  • Mayo – for dry hair
  • Lemon – for lightening

#3. Pick a Strengthener

Hair Mask Strengthener

To tie the above ingredients together, you'll need to add one more ingredient which will strengthen the recipe.

  • Yogurt
  • Honey
  • Egg

Simply play around with these ingredients and see which hair mask you like!

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How to Make a Hair Mask

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5 years ago

This looks good I gonna try for sure, but What abut the Proportions?

4 years ago

