Best Foundation: Revlon ColorStay

By Aniela / February 5, 2010

I can't even begin to tell you have many different foundations I've tried over the years, ranging from drugstore brands to high-end products, that all seemed to do the same thing in the end: nothing or worse. Thankfully, I've discovered Revlon ColorStay and I've fallen in love! A good quality foundation is really hard to come by, so when I tried this one out, I was seriously left speechless!

Best Foundation: Revlon ColorStay

I have combination skin and almost every foundation I've tried either left my skin too oily or made me break out. But, after years of trial and error, I think I may have found my perfect match.

I never really thought to try out Revlon's liquid makeups, just because they seemed to appeal to an older crowd and were always advertised as “wrinkle erasers”, but I decided nonetheless to try Revlon's ColorStay for Normal/Dry Skin.

I can't tell you how extremely happy I am about this purchase. I've been using it for a month now, and I've had absolutely no breakouts or oily skin. ColorStay has a flawless, natural finish with a perfect coverage that actually lasts all day long.

So if you're looking for that perfect foundation I definitely recommend Revlon's ColorStay!

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15 years ago

I’ve been wanting to givethis foundation a try. So, thanks for the review!

15 years ago

I have been using Revlon’s colorstay foundation for the past couple of weeks and am having trouble getting my face clean at the end of the day. I have tried Pond’s cold cream and Neutrogena facial cleansing wipes and although both work fairly well it’s not without a lot of rubbing/wiping. Help!

14 years ago

Sharon, you could try removing Colorstay with an oily makeup remover at first (like those for waterproof makeup) and then finish with a toner 🙂 Does the trick for me!
