Top 13 Fashion Mistakes

By Aniela / February 28, 2007

When it comes to fashion and trends, we all want the same thing: to look great! Unfortunately, there are some fashion errors that we might not be aware of, but that we might practice. These fashion faux pas are visible, and can completely ruin a perfectly good outfit. Here I've listed the top 13 fashion mistakes that women often make.

1. Wearing oversized clothing.

Now there is the wrong oversized clothing and the right over-sized clothing. The right over-sized clothing is some of this spring's top trends such as the bubble skirt, which looks fabulous paired with a tighter fitting top and a high waist belt. Wrong over-sized clothing is just plain wrong: huge knee-reaching t-shirts, baggy pants, you get the point. Make sure you buy clothes that fit you properly.

2. Wearing red and green at the same time.

Honestly, you will look like a Christmas tree. Red and green are two of the colors that you absolutely must avoid wearing together. These colors completely clash, so just stay clear. Also, it's best to stay away from green and red makeup. If you decide to go for a green eyeshadow, don't put on a bright red lipstick. Instead, opt for a clear gloss or a nude color.

3. Dirty shoes.

It would be bad enough if you had shoes that were out of style, or didn't match with your outfit, but if you have dirty shoes, you're making a big fashion faux pas. Make sure to keep your shoes in style, according to your outfit, and most importantly, clean!

4. Short skirt and short top.

If you're going to wear a miniskirt, don't wear a short top with it! It is one of the worst fashion mistakes you could make because you'll end up looking trashy. Instead, wear a miniskirt and pair it with a tee that reaches your hip bones. Play it up with a wide belt. If you're into short tops, just wear jeans and steer away from short skirts.

5. Bulky shoes with feminine dress.

Whenever I see this, I always have to ask myself: “what was she thinking?” A floral, feminine dress should never be paired with bulky shoes such as thick platforms. This kind of dress deserves a pair of soft, delicate shoes. Anything with a small heel, and even wedges and espadrilles.

6. Too much jewelry.

A pair of embellished earrings; a funky necklace; some bangles; a few rings; maybe a brooch. That is way too much jewelry for you, and for your outfit. So if you don't want to look like an ornament, keep it simple! A thin, fine necklace and a pair of earrings is enough. Or if you decide for a pair of big, adorned earrings, keep it simple by wearing a few rings or a bracelet or two with that, but stay away from the necklace.Just know your limits.

7. Wearing fashion that doesn't suit you.

If miniskirts are in, and you don't have the greatest legs, that's fine! You don't have to abide by each and every single fashion trend that comes out. If something that suit your body type, it's better to stay away from it. After all, most of us aren't models and a lot of the fashion trends that spring up don't suit everybody, so be careful what you choose.

8. More than one pattern.

If you have flowers on your shirt, don't wear plaid pants, or the other way around. Try to stick with one pattern in your outfit. A pair of plaid pants with a solid colored top, or a floral shirt with a pair of jeans. Don't crowd your outfit with patterns. Keep it sweet and simple.

9. Tights are not for everyone.

As I've mentioned before, not all fashion trends work for everyone. Some people should stay away from certain trends. Trends like tights for example. You know they stick to your skin and show off your legs, so if you don't have shapely legs, don't wear them please. I know they're in, but if they make you look bad,avoid them I see so many women wearing tights with over-sized shirts,it absolutely amazes me. But try to avoid this very common mistake for your own good.

10. Panty lines.

Need I say more? If you're going to wear thin, clingy, or even white pants, be aware of it and don't walk out with embarrassing panty lines, but opt for a thong.

11. An orange tan.

Let's face it: you know that it's orange, you just don't want to admit it. Stay away from cheap self-tanners because they will bring you nothing but trouble. Instead, shell out some money for a better product such as Estee Lauder sunless and make sure you always exfoliate before applying self-tanner.

12. Sneakers with everything.

Sure, we all want to be comfortable in our shoes, but it's not vise to always wear sneakers with everything from skirts, to jeans, to capris. A lot of people like to wear sneakers with a jean skirt, and that's completely fine, as long as you don't do it all the time. It's a comfy, sporty look, but you can make it classy and sexy. Instead, wear a pair of wedges or high heels. Don't always pair your jeans with sneakers: it's boring, and it's tasteless. Spice up your outfit with a pair of hot stilettos.

13. Don't indulge

That means don't over do sparkles, sequins, or any festive looking articles of clothing. While it's fun to play with different colors, fabrics, and styles, keep it simple is very important. Wearing too much of a good thing can turn into a fashion disaster. If you're going to wear a top that has sequins on it, keep it simple everywhere else and don't embellish your outfit even more.

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18 years ago

Now how much of this would be good tips for your male readers? I could pick out a couple things I do, but I probably shouldn’t!


18 years ago

Hey if you have some good insights on tips for males, let me know and I’ll post them!

18 years ago

I’d be more looking for tips than giving them 😉 I’ve only got steel-toed shoes and running shows! At least on pair of my steel-toed shoes are black leather and look dressy!

money group
17 years ago

Great points you raise here. I dont agree with everything you have written but overall nice writing style…

16 years ago

Wearing chunky shoes with a feminine dress is a no, but platforms are fashionable right now.
And big heritage jewellery is also in right now.
Also, wearing big oversized t-shirts are also fashionable, worn with skinny jeans or something like that; obviously not baggy trousers.
I read Grazia; it’s like my weekly fashion bible!

16 years ago

I agree that if you have a orange tan than that is just

15 years ago

hey,i wear sneakers with EVERYTHING.So WHAT?

15 years ago

Actually, wearing oversized clothing is pretty fashionable in Asia. Wear an oversized tee with skinny jeans and a pair of shoes that match. Or a hoody. But of course, the tee and hoody have to be fashionable as well. You can’t walk around with a rainbow colored tee and expect to look good.

15 years ago

Don’t agree with #13, I love bling! Sequins, rhinestones, etc., it’s all personal preference. The more the better!

14 years ago

um? alot of those things i dont agree with, 13,9,8,6,5,and 1, yeah i do all those things :p its all personal decisions.

14 years ago

C’mon people! take the advice, it’s good….Like many things in life, there are general guidelines, and you can play with them according to your unique style and the situation…but there are obvious rules like ‘not wearing sneakers with EVERYTHING that make a whole lotta sense!
……I mean seriously, you DID just visit a ‘Style:101’ page for a reason, did you forget what that reason was already??? LOL

14 years ago

i agree wit sarah. if ur looking for tips, yu come to this website. the chic who runs it has to kno wut she’s doing nd wuts inn so if ur gunna visit this website only comment 4 help or questions, maybe even to add a few things lik i totally agree with having a bit of an oversized tee with skinny jeans but not so oversizzed that it goes to ur knees nd that’s exactly wutshe’s sayin. yu don’t come to this site to change it, yu come to learn from it!! thats how it goes, if yu don’t… Read more »

14 years ago

I wear my dirty, black converse with everything. I dont like trends. I dress like Kristen Stewart. The ‘i dont give one’ look is all me!

14 years ago

I agree with the above commenter, dirty converse have that awesome vintage look. Dirty white Nikes… maybe not, but converse look amazing no matter what state they’re in.

Ruby Book
13 years ago

This is untrue for high fashion. Sure, you won’t look like a normal teenage girl if you disobey all these “laws”, but someone with true fashion sense can break all boundaries and look abnormally fabulous.

13 years ago

Like Marissa, I agree with Sarah – If you ‘hate’ fashion; Then why are you on this site?

Obviously, each person has their own style and feels comfortable in different garments, not everyone has to dress like they’ve dropped off the red carpet – However, I do draw the line at the fake tan. Everywhere you look, there’s teenager girls (And boys) who are trying to rival oranges at a colour competition, it’s like being surrounded by hoards of Oompa Loompas.
