Getting your teeth whitened doesn't have to mean a trip to the dentist or a ton of dough. NOPE! There are actually quite a few ways you can make your teeth look whiter at home safely, efficiently, and with minimal ingredients. So here are 6 tricks to whiter looking teeth!
6 Easy Tricks to Whiter Looking Teeth
#1. Bronzer
Dust a light layer of matte bronzer along your jawline when contouring. Darker skin will make your teeth appear white in comparison.
#2. Store Teeth Whiteners In The Fridge
Those whitening strips contain hydrogen peroxide which, in warm temperatures, doesn't actually work very well.
#3. Eat Your Celery
Or an apple after drinking teeth tarnishing beverages such as coffee. The crunchy, fibrous texture will scrub off any leftover stains and residues.
#4. Vinegar Rinse
Rinse your mouth with ACV to remove stains. Mix one part ACV with two parts water and swish in your mouth for about a minute.
#5. Use a Straw
When drinking teeth staining beverages such as coffee, tea, or wine, use a straw in order to avoid staining. Please note: drinking wine with a straw will get your very drunk, very quickly!
#6. Drink White Wine Instead of Red
Drink a glass of red for health, but keep stick to white wine the rest of the time since it won't stain your teeth.
These are just a few very easy and simple tricks you can do to make your teeth look whiter…we'll get to the more complex stuff later on! Don't forget to share:)