Beat the Heat With These Hairstyles

By Aniela / June 1, 2009

Find out how to beat the heat with these hairstyles! During the summer, it can be close to impossible to keep your hair a certain way, especially if it tends to get frizzy. Luckily, there are some hairstyles that will not only keep you looking hot all summer, but will also keep the heat and the frizziness away.

Beat the Heat With These Hairstyles

Wavy Hair

Kate Hudson Wavy Hair

Wavy hair is one of the easiest styles to pull off, plus it looks great in the summer. To get Kate's look, divide damp hair into three sections and braid each. Run a flatiron over the braids and undo them. Finish off with a light hairspray.

Half-Up, Half-Down

Zoe Saldana half-up half-down hair

The summer's humidity can make your hair curly and wavy, so don't fight it off. Instead, let your hair naturally dry, but keep it out of your face by pulling the front section back and pinning it, so you get a half-up, half-down style like Zoe Saldana.

Fishtail Braid

Diane Kruger Fishtail Braid

Braids are huge this summer, so don't be afraid to pull one off. To get Diane Kruger's look, take your hair and put it off to the side (either left or right, whichever you prefer). Start by braiding your hair and stop at the ends. Secure with an elastic and secure any other pieces of hair that might have fallen out with bobby pins in the back.

Sexy Ponytail

Evangeline Lilly Sexy Ponytail

Here's how to get Evangeline Lilly's provocative ponytail. Start by working a texturizer through damp roots to get some lift. Tease your roots at the crown and then gather all the hair into a tight eye-level ponytail. Use a densly-bristled brush to smooth the sides. Finish off by backcombing the top inch of the tail for added volume.

Swept Away

Vanessa Minillo Pulled Back Hair

To keep your hair out of your face during those humid summer months, gather it off your face, pulling back the top section from ear to ear like Vanessa Minnillo. Tease your hair first to create some volume, smooth it back with a brush, and secure everything loosely at the base of your crown. Add texture to your hair by misting it with a sea-salt spray.

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Cable Car Couture
15 years ago

Great styles! I particularly like the half up, half down, sexy ponytail and fishtail braid. Of course, I just went super short but there’s lots of versatile things to do with a short cut, too.

15 years ago

I love thesse sugestions they rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 years ago

Awesome hairstyles!!

15 years ago

Love the wavy hair!!

14 years ago

thanks soooooooo much i love the sugestionss thank u and my hair will thank u too 🙂

14 years ago

I love the suggestions but I love to keep my hair up most of the time. Are their any suggestions. Could you please tell me how to put a stylish bun. Thankz!!!

14 years ago

ummm……….. cool i guess but dont you have anymore better styles?
