How to Grow Out Your Bangs

By Aniela / August 26, 2008

So you got bangs, but now you're kinda sick of them right? Well you might be thinking : ” Great! Now I have to wait months and months for them to grow out!” Not true! There are actually specific things you can do to grow out your bangs faster than you ever thought! Plus, bangs are so last season! Celebs are now trading in their bangs for loose updos and longer, side-swept bangs. Here's how to grow out your bangs!

How to Grow Out Your Bangslayered hair with bangs

Buy a stretchy hairband

stretchy hairbands

Getting a chic, fashionable hairband is a great idea because it can be worn at any stage of the regrowth process. Put it right at your hairline, or push it back a little further to grab and hold any strays.

Use hairspray

Elnett hairspray

Using hairspray will keep your bangs back as well as any flyaways. So if you're sick of having them in your face, use some bobby pins to pin back the hair and follow up with some hairspray.

Do different parts 

hillary duff wispy bangs

You can always experiment with different parts, which is probably the best way to grow out your bangs. You can divide your bangs right down the middle and use bobby pins to make them stay put, or use some gel to slick them straight back off the forehead for a chic, no-part look.

Be patient

mina suvari textured hairstyle

Although these tips will keep your hair away from your forehead and speed the growth process, it will still take time. If you just got bangs and you're already thinking about trading them in, wait for about 3 weeks, after which the hair will be more easier to style.

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16 years ago

I need to learn how to grow out my bangs.

16 years ago

my bangs grow out verey fast but when I get tired of them being in my face I either cut tem or brush them to the sides or pin em up ( :

16 years ago

okay well my grandmother cut my bangs like halfway down my forehead. like a few centimeters above my eyebrows and i think that it looks VERY ugly. i really have to know how to grow my bangs out. [at least an inch the fastest way possible] i want to know how to grow out my bangs

15 years ago

Please. I cut my bangs like below my eyes, and my friends says it looks good, but then after, my teacher said it’s too long, so I have to cut it out again, and now, I’m really regretting for what I did. I need tips on how my bangs will grow in 1 week. Please, IT’S VERY VERY UGLY!!

And it’s like higher than my brows!!

PLEASE if anyone knows some way my bangs can grow…

Message me:


15 years ago

you let your grandmother near you with a pair of scissors? are you nuts?

15 years ago

I got my side bangs cut a few months ago. They were great until a few months later. Now they are UGLY! I pin them back everyday with a bobby-pin. My mom and I both agree I need a new hair style while my side bangs are growing out. If you have any suggestions just leave a comment on this website.

15 years ago

I’ve got may bangs for one week and I’m loving it! I’m still getting used to them, but my hair looks just like the foto! I LOVE IT!! 🙂

15 years ago

Damn , 1 week later on ( 12th may) my class photo will be taken as well as graduation..I cutted my hair myself very badly today .. then look so up and cant be putted at a side ! And i dont wanna clip them as well.. like when i tie my hair .. my bangs look so high like at the top..and out school doesnt allowed hair hair is like longer then the length of my shoulder and my bangs are above my eyebrows.Suggestions? Email me at for givving me tips 😀

15 years ago

please help im too worried :S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:(:( :'(

15 years ago

You have to be paitante

paul@ hair pictures
15 years ago

Very good content on “bangs”. Just about any women can wear a fringe, it just needs to be styled like you said to your face and shape. Women with a square jaw would look best with a rounded fringe, while those with a narrow jaw would benefit from a straight and fuller fringe. A heavy fringe that is swept to one side is probably the most fringe-friendly look. Most women can wear this one. Remember a hairstyle is not just a matter of following a fashion trend but a matter of choosing a style that is best suited to your… Read more »

15 years ago

Sheesh, fringes aren’t that bad. There’s no way to “magically” grow your hair out in a week. If you’re that paranoid, wear a hat :\

Mandy D
15 years ago

My bangs grew quite fast. I just combed it to the side and clipped it in place for a couple of days to teach it to stay in that direction and it worked for me. It will take time to grow out completely though.

15 years ago

So I?ve read some of your comments and it?s quite sad actually. Before you obsess over something as miner as hair, how about you try to learn correct grammar. Please you?re making an ass out of yourself.

15 years ago

I wan cut side bangs!!!!!!!!

Your Mom
15 years ago

“zander”, I find it funny that you’re talking about these peoples’ grammar when you can’t correctly spell “minor” and you use question marks instead of apostrophes.

15 years ago

Cool it guys, let’s be relevant here. I know Zander, spelling errors drive me crazy as well. lol Let’s just move on though. Be the bigger person and ignore stupid, annoying people who can’t spell. 😉

14 years ago

i really want to get bangs but people say i really wont look right with them so i should give it a shot but if my boyfriend dumbs me cuz my hair looks a hot mess then what am i gonna do so if you have any questions please e-mail me at

i really need some help on this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

Ok yesterday i got bangs I HATE THEM and im only 6 and i struggle with y hair all the time and i look ugly now and this thing dident even help 🙁

14 years ago

ironing my bangs grow faster?

14 years ago

how long would it take for my bangs to grow?

14 years ago

I got my bangs cut because all my friends had them cut so i thought it would look nice on me but i was wrong i hate them. I need do i make my bangs grow out.faster!! ?? HELP please! Renae!!

14 years ago

These suggestions don’t make any sense. Just because your bangs are away from your forehead, doesn’t mean they’ll grow faster. They don’t recognize themselves as “bangs”, therefore thinking they should grow slower, if this is what you’re implying. Bangs grow at the same rate as the rest of your hair anyways. Them being cut shorter doesn’t mean they don’t grow as fast. The only thing that will make them grow is time. If you’re thinking of bangs or just want to change them, then perhaps you should go for side bangs. In my experience, they almost always look good. Just… Read more »

14 years ago

ahhhh! i love the picture above!! those bangs are so cute. im getting my hair cut just like it soon…yeah!

14 years ago

Hey I need help. My sister cut my bangs way to short and i need some advice on how to grow them out in 9 days!! Please help me. If you have any advice email me at Thanks soo much!

14 years ago

hey girls its ok! my mom cut my middle bangs wayyy too short 4 days before the first day of school.she cut then like a centimeter above my eyebrows.the best thing to do is use 2 biotin extra potency pills.if you do that everyday in about a week your bangs will grow a inch!Another good thing is to wear a super tight skull cap to make your shrot bangs fall flat so they dont stick up.I hope it works for you guys because it sure worked for me

14 years ago

My mum let me cut my own bangs and i did it wrong, now they r really short and my friends will lie to me and say it looks good and ive been crying and everything i havent told my mum what happend because i think she will never trust me again please help me :'(

14 years ago

I’ve had bangs ever since I got hair, and finally, after all these years, I’m growing them out. I’m a bit worried though, so I’ll be keeping a pair of scissors nearby. 😀

14 years ago

ive just had my bangs chopped off half way up my forehead:( ive now lost all my confidence…im not even allwed to choose my own style even though its my wonder ive never been asked out,only pretty girls get kissed….

14 years ago

My bangs are medium sized and I can bring them out of my pony tail when ever I want to. This is a great way for changing your hairstyle.

14 years ago

you do not want side bangs!! I got mine aday before my sisters weddig, they were cute but sh didn’t cut them short enough. A week after my sisters wedding I tried fixing them myself I ended up cutting them to short so I have to part my hair to the other side. Pls in the summer, I got bored and took scissors and cut piece of hair to the root, so it looks like I got a buzz cut. My advice? DO NOT CUT YOuR OWN HAIR!!!! Everyday I pin my bangs back and I pray te grow out.

14 years ago

I cut my Bangs myself and now they are wayyy to high on my forehead :/ It looks aweful! i’ve just been pinning them back with clips and putting a head band in. I need something else to do with my hair!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!

14 years ago

I cut my bangs wayyyy too sort and its sooo ugly:'(
i want to know how to grow them , FAST . PLEAASEEEE . anytips??!!:'( and i dont wanna pin them bakc because i have mild acne on my forehead and ocasionally (sp?) i get breakouts and i dont like showing that . I used to hide it with my heaving sidebangs but i got them cut today and its so ugly:'( I really need tips on how to grow them A.S.A.P soo if you have any , leave them on this site PLEASEE . ANYY tips are needed :'(

kaylee barton
14 years ago

I just got my bangs cut 3 days a go and will this website really work becase my friends say it will take about a year to grow them out to the way I had them.:)

14 years ago

Okay, I use to have really long bangs, and some how they got short? No one NEVER cutted them, or anything, they just got short. I don’t know if it’s because I was curling my bangs too much, but I just don’t know. I miss my bangs ALOT, & i want them back. I mean my bangs, THEY ARE growing alot, I just want the regular bang length back, ya know?

14 years ago

hey guys, so about last year i got straight across bangs and i liked them but they bothered me so i got side bangs and they looks adorable on me. And a bunch of people told me that i would look awful with bangs but they were wrong:) and now i got them cut too short because my hair stylist asked if i was doing the usual and i figured she rememberd what i wanted so i said yes, and she cut them too short:/ so now i just wear them straight across untill they grow out. it honestly looks… Read more »

14 years ago

my bangs have their moments but I really feel like i can’t do anything w/ them! they r past my nose but difficult to deal w/. sometimes i think about cutting them shorter, untill i remeber my BFF’s hair when she cut hers; UNEVEN AND HALFWAY ACROSS HER FORHEAD!!!! (sorry J) I SO WANT MY LONG HAIR BACK. and then i might get bangs again. c, last summer i got a short bob and bangs across the forhead, WORST MISTAKE EVA. :0

13 years ago

Why do they call them bangs?

13 years ago

Hey guys, Yeah, it sucks when you get bangs that are too short or you simply just don’t like them after all. Unfortunately there is not much that you can do to make them grow back fast. However, no matter how short they are, they always seem to look just a bit better if you try and sweep them to one side. If they are too short to stay to the side on their own, you can try a little bit of gel or hairspray to try and keep them in place. Think Audrey Hepburn (google her to see what… Read more »

13 years ago

There are very few women that can pull off a hairstyle with bangs. Maybe 1-5% of the women I’ve known/seen can. It just is not that physically attractive IMO. The only possible exception to that would be if you have an overly large forehead, but even then you’re probably better off with strategic parting versus full on bangs.

13 years ago

Please!!!! help me i was really concsious in my bangs that i cut it! and now my hair is so ugly!!!!! it is very short!!!!!! please help me !!! what are some tips to keep my bangs grow fast!!!!PLEASE!

13 years ago

my suggestion is go to qvc or hsn and buy those clip in bangs they look and feel very nice and you don’t have to commit to anything but if your bangs are too short they will cover those while your own hair grows out. if you don’t want bangs at all i guess buying a lot of super cute hair pins clips and barrettes to bide the time until your bangs are a decent length will help. good luck

13 years ago

This is a good way to grow out bangs in 1 weeks top! If you put your hair in a tight tight pony tail or bun it will grow about 1 inch a weeks and you can do this in the day but I do it at night or if your trying to grow out your bangs you clip it up as tight as you can during the night or the day. I prefer the night but try to stay in a position where you won’t mess it up like lay on your back if you don’t want it to… Read more »

13 years ago

Okay,so my names Madison. My bangs were like down to my ear so I decided to cut them,so I wouldn’t have to wait for a hair appointment. I cut my side bangs straight across,like a centimeter above my eyebrow. School starts soon & my hair looks horrible. I need tips,please on how maybe I could make my bangs grow like an inch before school starts in like,a month. Please. 🙁

13 years ago

“more easier”?

And nothing actually makes hair grow faster. It’ll just seem that way since you won’t see them on your forehead every day…

Andie Lou
13 years ago

To all the girls commenting on how much they hate their bangs- LEARN TO STYLE YOUR THEM CORRECTLY. I had to laugh at all of you freaking out over something as silly as bangs that you believe are too short. I cut my own bangs every few weeks WAY ABOVE MY EYEBROWS because it really makes my eyes pop and reminds me of old-school pin-up girls when they are super short. You need to style them with a blow dryer and brush when they are wet in order to get them to do what you want. You also need to… Read more »

13 years ago

Haters gonna hate.

Joanna Swenser
13 years ago

I love this hairstyle! I want my bangs like that but I’m not sure if they’d look good. I have blond medium length hair… if you have any suggestions comment and tell me what you think. Thanks!

13 years ago

some of you cut your own hair….well no wonder some of you are complaining…

13 years ago

It’s perfectly fine to look for help when your bangs have gone wrong. But when talking about cutting them, the past tense IS NOT “CUTTED”. That is not even a word! I normally don’t make comments on grammar and spelling and such, but this really bothered me. The past tense of cut is still cut. Not cutted. Keep that in mind, please.

13 years ago

Ok for all you girls who hate short bangs listen to this I got side bangs like 6years ago then a 3 years ago I cut the so they can cover my eyes I love the new hair style and I have really short black hair so first before you try straight bangs try side also you could try colouring it too my friend did that and now she loves that style

12 years ago

i have blondish hair wic looks alot better to tha side of my face but i cutt them and i look mental…cus i have a fat face!!!lol jk but yah i needs help 😛

12 years ago

To the person that commented on the “word” ‘cutted’ — thank you!!!! That was really irritating me too (lol).

12 years ago

First i got highi= lites they made my hair very dry,then i cut my bangs and i hate it,every time i wash my hair it still feels yucky.i still cant do nothing withmy stupid hair.i want my hair smooth and silky like it use to be before the highlightes.anyone know how to get that good hair back??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

12 years ago

I really need help!! My friend told me that I should add some of my other hair to my side bangs and I listened to her (dumb idea) and now they are all way to short and uneven and just UGLY!! I really need something other then pinning them back or using hairspray to keep them out of view… Please help! I’m getting made fun of at school because of my hair!!

12 years ago

gently massaging your scalp with your shampoo or tea tree oil can stimulate hair growth, this is also really relaxing 🙂 good luck!

12 years ago

I recently cut them to the side only to short…. I’ve tried it on the other side but it i not looking right with my kind of style so I clipped them off and it looks ok I will just have to stay put until summer however I want to change up the look… Any ideas?
