If you've been keeping up with the latest trends, you've probably seen or heard that white nail polish is making a big splash this summer. Although white nail polish is a pretty pretentious color to pull off, it can look absolutely stunning when worn right. Here are some things to keep in mind before painting your nails white and after.

- Start with a set of clean, polished nails. Like I said, white nail polish is extremely pretentious…just like white clothing. If not done right, it can be a complete disaster.
- Pick a crisp, white polish hue in a good brand such as OPI, China Glaze or Essie. The better brands only run about $1-3 more than drug store brands, but they glide on much easier and also last longer.
- Make sure nails are clean and oil free. Before applying your white nail polish, go over your nails with a nail polish remover to ensure that there are no oils on your nails. This will make for a better application.
- Start with a base coat and let it dry before applying the white polish. This will ensure that it will go on smoothly and not chip so easily.
- White nail polish can be very tricky to apply as it gets streaky, so that's why it's so important that you invest in a good one!
- You might need as many as three coats of white polish (I know I did!) since it's a tricky color and may still look streaky after 3 coats. Again, it depends on which brand you use.
- Finish off white a clear top coat to seal it in.
- Avoid wearing white nail polish with your little black dress. The contrast is too much, and it just doesn't look very good.
- DO wear white polish with tanned skin…it looks incredible!
- Pair white nails with colorful pieces such as neon or florals.
- DO wear white polish with other white pieces.
- Once white nail polish gets chipped, remove it with a nail polish remover. Chipped white polish is extremely visible and does not look good at all.
- Always make sure to wash your hands and clean your nails (you should be doing that anyways!). White nail polish can easily get dirty or stained, so it's important to keep them looking nice and crisp.