3 Best Essential Oils To Combat the Winter Blues

By Aniela / March 1, 2019

During the winter months, there is nothing more soothing for the mind and body than a relaxing soak in warm water with your favorite essential oils to elevate the mood, alleviate aches and pains, and let your mind slip away to its happy place.

With nature as our marketplace, there are so many readily available essential oils providing an array of benefits and it can get confusing trying to determine which ones to use at which time. For diffusing winter blues, let’s focus on three best essential oils in particular that might be just the perfect addition to your hot bath.

Best Essential Oils for the Winter

essential oils

Bergamot Essential Oil:

Bergamot essential oil is the jack of all trades. It has long been used as a tool of aromatherapy to uplift moods, increase positive thinking and reduce stress and anxiety. Its citrusy aromatics are sweet and calming and known to be a natural treatment for depression. In addition, bergamot has been used to fight infection, stimulate digestion and soothe sore muscles.

Grapefruit Essential Oil:

Grapefruit essential oil is another uplifting and energy driving citrus oil to help motivate us even when the winter snows are slowing us down. It is used to reduce stress, stimulate circulation and has even been found to help curb cravings making it a great tool for weight loss.

Peppermint Essential Oil:

Peppermit essential oil is not only aromatically fitting for a minty, winter evening bath, it can stimulate the mind and help improve memory and alertness when inhaled. It also soothes achey muscles and joints and promotes skin health.

To make bath ready, combine 1 cup of Epsom salt with 5 drops of essential oil. Mix together, then add to the running water and enjoy!

*Note: Both bergamot and grapefruit essential oils are citrus based and should not be used or applied before going into sunlight. Use at night before bed or wait at least 4 to 6 hours to spend time in the sunshine.

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