6 Ways to Tie a Scarf

By Aniela / December 13, 2008

When scarves became very popular this year, everyone was wearing one, but there were a few people who just didn't know how exactly to wear that scarf. Sure there's the “take the 2 ends and loop them through” trick but I mean come on, everyone does that and it's getting a little old. So here are 7 ways to Β tie a scarf!

6 Ways to Tie a Scarf

Squaresquare scarf

This will obviously only work with sqaure scarves so here's what you do. Simply fold the square in half to form a triangle. Stretch the triangle in front of your neck (upside down, with the triangle pointing downward). Then wrap the ends around the back of your neck and let each end hang in front.

Tucked Intucked scarf

Take a regular scarf (size doesn't matter) and wrap it around your neck as many times as you can, tucking in the loose ends underneath. This looks best with a stylish blazer or jacket as it won't cover up your stunning collars.

Boho Chicboho chic scarf

Stretch the fabric in front of your neck and around the back. Let each end hang in the front. This style will look best with patterned scarves.

Classicclassic scarf

The classic style works best with silk or satin scarves. Simply wrap the scarf around your neck letting one end fall loosely in the front and one end in the back. Simple, elegant and timeless.

Chic & Simpleloose scarf

This works best with a wide and sheer scarf. Just put the scarf around your neck and let it hand loosely in the front.

Scarf & Bagscarf and bag

For a little spice, tie your favorite scarf to a simple, boring bag. Just tie a simple knot at the handle and you're good to go!

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16 years ago

this site is so cool.I will put your link in my blog…..

15 years ago

Just wanted to say, your tips are amazing, and I’m so glad I stumbled upon this site, thank you! πŸ™‚

15 years ago

Just wanted to say, your tips are amazing, and I’m so glad I stumbled upon this site, thank you!

15 years ago

i must say i used every last one of these scarves πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

15 years ago

OMS!!!this is the worst scarf ideas ever!!

15 years ago

i love these tips they are awesome

14 years ago

Hi this is a great website but it still hasn’t got the way i like my scarf to be a lot of teachers at my school do it a certain way and it looks to me like it keeps you warm and snug! but thanks any way for other great ideas! …. :! !!! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ :O
