3 DIY Banana Face Masks for All Skin Types

By Aniela / July 17, 2017

Bananas are a delicious and super healthy snack, but did you know that they also some amazing properties to repair skin? Bananas have been used for thousands of years when it comes to beauty and skin care, and they're still being used today. This is because bananas are high in vitamins B6 and B12, as well as magnesium and potassium. These vitamins and minerals are great for repairing damaged, dry skin, preventing wrinkles and fine lines, and also curing acne. This is why these 3 DIY banana face masks are made for three different outcomes: aging skin, acne prone skin, and dull skin.

3 DIY Banana Face Masks

banana in bowl

#1. Banana Face Mask for Aging Skin

  • 2 tbsp mashed banana
  • 1 tbsp yogurt
  • 1/2 tbsp  fresh lemon juice

Mix ingredients together and apply to clean face and neck. Leave on for 30-40 minutes before rinsing off. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

#2. Acne Prone Skin

  • 2 tbsp mashed banana
  • 1 tbsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tbsp fresh lemon juice

Mix ingredients together and apply all over clean face and neck. Leave on for 10-12 minutes and rinse off. Use twice a week.

#3. Dull Skin

  • 2 tbsp mashed banana
  • 1 tbsp honey

Mix ingredients together and apply all over clean face and neck. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse off. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

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