20 Ways to Use Coconut Oil For Better Skin

By Aniela / August 17, 2016

Coconut oil has long been used in beauty treatments, but only recently has gained popularity. The properties in coconut oil are absolutely amazing and it works wonders on your skin, including nails and hair. Not to mention the incredible benefits of coconut oil for your insides as well! Aside from having antiseptic properties, coconut oil also cleanses, exfoliates, nourishes, heals, and moisturizes. It's basically a 100-in-1 beauty cream/oil that EVERYONE should try at least once! If you start using coconut oil on your skin or hair and keep it up, you should start seeing results in as little as 3 weeks! But my personal favorite use for coconut oil is on my skin. So here are 20 ways to use coconut oil for better skin.

20 Coconut Oil Uses For Better Skin

#1. Body Butter

In its solidified form, coconut oil is an extremely rich and nourishing body butter. Slather it on your driest areas before bed and wake up with baby soft skin.

#2. Body Scrub

Mix a little coconut oil with coconut sugar (or any sugar really) for a decadent, homemade body scrub that will leave your skin extremely soft. No need to follow up with a moisturizer – the coconut oil already does it all!

#3. Body Lotion

Rub solidified coconut oil in your hands to turn it into liquid or pop it in the microwave for a few seconds and use it as a lotion. Rub it in rough spots such as heels, elbows, and knees.

#4. Cold Sore Treatment

Coconut oil will get rid of cold sores as well as prevent them. Just dab a small amount directly on the cold sore once or twice a day, and within a few days, it will completely disappear.

#5. Cuticle Oil

Keep your cuticles in great shape by applying coconut oil to them every night before bed.

#6. Detox Bath

Coconut oil is an amazing detoxifier, so it's no wonder it's perfect for a bath. Add 1/4 cup of Epsom salts and 1/4 cup coconut oil to a warm bath for the ultimate detox.

#7. Dry Hands

Use coconut oil to treat extra dry, cracked hands. Rub it into your hands, and slip on a light pair of gloves overnight. Do this every other night for a week, and you'll notice a huge difference.

#8. Face Wash

Coconut oil is an amazing cleanser and I use it regularly as a face wash. Oil cleansing has become increasingly popular, and coconut oil is by far your best choice. Click here to see how to properly cleanse with oil.

#9. Deodorant

Believe it or not, apply coconut oil to your underarms acts as a really good deodorant! Plus, it's free of all those cancer causing chemicals and works a lot better than most deodorants.

#10. Insect Repellent

To keep mosquito at bay, rub coconut oil on exposed skin and watch as the insects stay completely away!

#11. Lip Balm

Coconut oil is one of the best things you can apply to your lips. It's extremely moisturizing, plus it also gives off a little sheen.

#12. Makeup Remover

Apply some coconut oil onto a clean makeup sponge or a cotton ball to remove makeup. It's especially great around the eyes!

#13. Massage Oil

A lot of massage therapists actually use coconut oil because of its amazing properties. Heat some up in the microwave and apply to desired area, making sure that the oil is not too hot!

#14. Night Cream

Coconut oil is one of the best and oldest anti-aging remedies. Apply a small amount around the eyes and mouth before bed, making sure to do this every night as part of your regular routine.

#15. Scalp Treatment

If you suffer from dandruff, coconut oil is your best friends. Rub a couple of drops of coconut oil into your scalp nightly. The oil will nourish and moisturize a dry, itchy scalp, and also get rid of dandruff.

#16. Shaving Cream

Coconut oil makes for a great shaving cream! Just apply it to your skin as you would any shaving cream or gel, and shave away! It's actually even better than any cream because the oil makes the razor glide on smoothly, prevents nicks, and keeps the skin super moisturized so you don't even have to apply lotion after shaving! Plus, your razor will keep for much longer!

#17. Acne

A lot of people have claimed that coconut oil is amazing for acne prone skin. Because it has anti-bacterial properties, coconut oil is a great alternative to harsh cleansers or spot treatments. Simply dab a small amount onto the affected area and leave on overnight.

#18. Skin Conditions

Aside from helping with acne, coconut oil can also benefit those with eczema and psoriasis due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

#19. Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can be a pain, but with coconut oil, you'll be able to get rid of them in no time! Gently massage the affected area with coconut oil for 5-10 minutes every night before bed. It may seem like a daunting task but the results are oh so worth it!

#20. Sunburn Relief

Coconut oil can help with sunburn relief because of its soothing properties, it will reduce redness and re-hydrate the skin.

Have you tried some of these or maybe even all? If you haven't it's time you found out the miraculous properties of coconut oil!

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5 years ago

This sounds awesome! Thank you so much for sharing.
